Sunday, September 28, 2008

Entry: Food for Thought

In this weekend, I read an article named"Food for Thought". The author point out that people can tell different characters from their cuisine, and the food of the country can reflect it's history and future.
From my view point, in general, I agree with the author's point. There is a queation in the reading really interesting, that is "Can food explain how countries interact?". The author argue that food represents a deeper political history. That's true. Food can be influenced by each other. When I came to Canada, there are so many Chinese restaurants, because a lot of immigrators are Chinese.
I have been to the US for one month. I found that America has lots of Chinese restaurants. Unfortunately, most of them are different from Chinese restaurants in China. In other words, the Chinese restautants in here are fake. I hope the Chinese restaurants in America will be more delicious some day!hoho~~~


Ying said...

I agree with you.cuisine also can be described as culture.As for the Chinese restaurant here you mentioned,definiteky,some of them are fake.Meanwhile I think the possibility of improvement of Chinese restaurant here is slim.Maybe even they have no idea about how it should be like!ha

Abby said...

Hi Renay!!!
It is really interesting the way you classify the chinese restaurants here as FAKE... But in same way, they can help you to feel a little bit "home"????

Alyssa R. said...

It seems like we have at least 2 experts at Chinese restaurants here...maybe you two will have to open a restaurant and show us what real Chinese food is like!

I've heard that Little Szcheuan in St. Paul is pretty good Chinese food. Have you been there?

I've only been to an American restaurant in a foreign country once. My students in China took me to Pizza Hut. To tell the truth, the Pizza Hut in China was MUCH better than Pizza Hut here. I thought that was interesting. Maybe it's just because I don't really like Pizza Hut that much, but Pizza Hut in China was totally different than it is here.

Ζ〓★〓Я said...

I'm here baby~i hope every thing is ok, and i want you to be happy everyday~~
i'll miss you, and i'll waitting for you come back. Well take care yourself!~ i love you now and ever